Final scores and rankings of all six contestants

Queendom 2 has officially concluded, and after a long run of battles and high-quality, engaging performance rounds, WJSN has taken home the trophy with the most votes and points.

The participating groups included Hyolyn, Kep1er, Loona, VIVIZ, Brave Girls, and WJSN who all came together in a competition spanning two months. The six acts performed their own songs, did fantastic covers, and even merged with other group members to produce fresh concepts.

Here we break down the ranks, scores and some of the best performances by the participating acts this year.

Disclaimer: For the purpose of this list, the groups have been ranked based on their final scores.

Queendom 2 details: Final ranks, scores, and top performances

6) Brave Girls

Total points: 45,896

Rank: Six

Brave Girls finished in the sixth position and captivated the audience with their charming performances. One of the best performances by the Rollin' hitmakers was when the group performed Red Sun and won the first place.

The performance showcased the girl group's entire journey so far, encompassing the hardships and hurdles that they have had to face.

5) Kep1er

Total Points: 46,976

Rank: Five

The newly formed K-pop girl group, Kep1er stands at fifth position after the finale of Queendom 2. The nine-member girl group delivered some exhilarating performances for the viewers until the very end of the competition.

Their final stage act was the highlight of their entire journey, where the girl group set the stage on fire with an enthralling performance of The Girls (Can't Turn Me Down).

4) Hyolyn

Points: 48,761

Rank: Four

Soloist and ex-Sistar member Hyolyn earned the fourth position at the end of the competition. Owing to her prior experience, she stood out with most of her performances, and made the viewers groove to her songs.

The second-generation K-pop idol had one of the best stages, marked by powerful choreography and heavenly vocals. Hyolyn's best performances, however, premiered during the cover song battle. The Sistar member picked Loona's So What and delivered it with an interesting twist.

3) Viviz

Points: 54,419

Rank: Three

The new GFriend trio came in third by the end of Queendom 2. The girl group might not have won the show, but made headlines after every week's performance.

The songs performed by Viviz always trending not only atop the streaming charts, but also on social media. However, their opening act with Time for The Moon Night + Rough was a standout moment in their entire journey.

2) Loona

Points: 77,988

Rank: Two

The girl group was announced as the runner-up of the competition with the second-most highest points. Loona was praised by fans and viewers for their impactful stages throughout the run of the show.

During the finale, the group enthralled audiences when they performed to Pose, making it the most-streamed song on spotify for days. The dance break there was definitely the highlight of their trajectory in Queendom 2.


Points: 81,020

Rank: One

WJSN took home the trophy of Queendom 2 with their hard work and fabulous performances in the competition.

For the finale, the third-gen girl group created a dreamy ambience on-stage with their Aura act. The group, which had always maintained a good ranking since the beginning of the show, won, thanks to a series of brilliantly conceptualized stages.

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