Kellyanne Conway and her husband George Conway are getting divorced after being married for 22 years. The couple tied the knot in 2001 and became parents to four children.
However, their relationship went through several problems when Kellyanne was the advisor to former President Donald Trump, as the couple had several political differences.
They were recommended to undergo therapy by Ivanka Trump. Although they tried to mend their relationship, they eventually decided to go their separate ways.
Things took a worse turn when their daughter Claudia started to share videos related to her family and her parents had to step down from their positions in 2020 to spend more time with the family.
Claudia decided to stay away from the media as her words were portrayed the wrong way. Her relationship with her mother was also affected and they had to undergo therapy to sort out their differences.
Kellyanne Conway and George Conway have been married for 22 years and their respective careers have contributed a lot to their overall earnings. CelebrityNetWorth has reported the individual net worth for each as $39 million.
Kellyanne and George resided together in a New York-based Trump Tower condo from 2001 to 2008 and bought another mansion in Washington D.C. for $8 million in 2017. The duo are also the owners of another house in Alpine worth $6 million, as per the publication.
CelebrityNetWorth reported that Kellyanne and George have control over assets priced from $11 to $44 million.
Kellyanne has been a campaign manager for Donald Trump in the past and was a campaign manager and strategist for the Republican Party as well during her career. She has also worked at Polling Company/WomanTrend as the president and CEO.
As a successful author, Kellyanne Conway wrote a book titled, Here's the Deal: A Memoir, which was published in 2022 and has also co-authored What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live with Celinda Lake.
George, on the other hand, has gained recognition for being a critic of Donald Trump. Although he was chosen for the positions of Solicitor General of the United States and Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the United States Department of Justice by Trump, he rejected the offers.
George was a law clerk for Judge Ralph K. Winter Jr. and was a founding member and advisor of the Lincoln Project.
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