How to easily get the Tonberry costume during Final Fantasy XIV's Hatching-tide2023event

It’s holiday time in Final Fantasy XIV, and during the Hatching-tide 2023 event, you can unlock a brand-new Tonberry costume. This will be available for a limited time, but it only takes about 10-15 minutes in total to unlock. Thankfully, it’s also a costume that any character can wear, regardless of race or gender. As long as you’ve played enough of the game, you can take part in the event, and complete the FATE the game requires of you.

One thing that makes Final Fantasy XIV stand out from other MMOs, is that the holiday events take a small amount of time, and the rewards are often fun cosmetics. If you’re looking to resemble one of Square Enix’s most powerful but adorable creatures ever, you’re going to want to pick up the Tonberry costume during Hatching-tide 2023.

Take part in the Hatching-tide event for the Tonberry costume in Final Fantasy XIV

While the Tonberry costume isn’t a reward for completing Hatching-tide in Final Fantasy XIV, it is directly connected to the event. Beginning in New Gridania, the holiday celebration will run from March 27, 2023, through April 10, 2023. You can participate if your character has a combat class of at least level 15.

Head to Old Gridania (X: 10.2, Y: 9.4) in Final Fantasy XIV and speak to Jihli Aliapoh in the central area of Min Khetto’s Amphitheater. Moreover, if you wish to start this quest, there is the finest location to teleport.

Following a little exchange, she will invite you to talk to some Sylphs in the area. Going to Central Shroud will be the next stage and the catalyst for receiving the Tonberry outfit. To see the FATE "Don't Be Sylphish," teleport or ride to Central Shroud (X: 25, Y: 28.8) and wait for it to begin.

It begins every 10 minutes or so, so you won’t have to wait long if it’s unavailable upon arrival. You might need to level down for this, but the game will let you know. Moreover, this is not a battle FATE. Pick up the eggs, and when you use your ability to frighten the Syphs, you will also receive an egg as a reward.

Your goal is to grab at least ten eggs, but getting more is incredibly simple. Under ten eggs you turned in grants 5 Special Midnight Archon Eggs, giving you 10 of this particular currency. This is like every other turn-in FATE in Final Fantasy XIV, so you’ll get a minute after the FATE concludes to turn in yours.

If you get at 10 Special Midnight Archon Eggs, you can buy the Tonberry costume upon returning to Old Gridania. Complete the quest in town, and talk to the nearby Egg Advocate (X: 10, Y: 9.4). It takes two new eggs for each piece of this costume in Final Fantasy XIV.

You may also purchase other products from them if you'd want, but that will need a further trip to the FATE. Good sound; it takes very little time to finish and respawns rapidly.

That’s all it takes to unlock the Tonberry costume in Final Fantasy XIV. It doesn’t provide stats, but it is an adorable outfit for any race in the Square Enix MMO.

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