Release date and time after break, what to expect, and more

Following the sudden break, likely due to Jump Festa 2023, Black Clover chapter 346 is set to release on Monday, December 26 at 12 am JST. Given that the previous issue showed the seventh Ryuzen member and Sister Lily proceeding to battle each other, fans are now clamoring for any information they can get on the upcoming chapter.

While no verifiable spoiler information for Black Clover chapter 346 is available as of this article’s writing, the upcoming installment is likely to focus on Asta and the Land of the Sun as the Paladins and the Ryuzen Seven confront each other.

Black Clover chapter 346 might see Asta enter the fray against Sister Lily’s group

Release date, time, and where to read

Black Clover chapter 346 is slated to have a Japanese release on December 26 at 12 am JST. This means most international fans can expect a daytime release on Sunday, December 25. Additionally, readers from selective regions around the world will see the issue released in the early morning hours of Monday, December 26.

Fans can read Black Clover chapter 346 via official sources on either Viz Media’s official website, Shueisha’s MANGAPlus website, and Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. The former two services are free, allowing readers to view the first and latest three issues in a series. The lattermost reading service requires a paid, subscription-based service, granting readers access to a series in its entirety.

Black Clover chapter 346 is set to be released at the following local times in the corresponding time zones:

  • Pacific Standard Time: 7 am, Sunday, December 25
  • Eastern Standard Time: 10 am, Sunday, December 25
  • Greenwich Mean Time: 3 pm, Sunday, December 25
  • Central European Time: 4 pm, Sunday, December 25
  • Indian Standard Time: 8:30 pm, Sunday, December 25
  • Philippine Standard Time: 11 pm, Sunday, December 25
  • Japanese Standard Time: 12 am, Monday, December 26
  • Australia Central Standard Time: 12:30 pm, Monday, December 26

What to expect

Black Clover chapter 346 will likely see Asta finally join the battle against Sister Lily and the Paladins following the previous issue. Chapter 345 had a distinct panel that suggested Asta had moved through his self-doubt, indicated by a determined look in his eyes. This could hint at him finally being ready to head back to the battlefield.

However, fans are unlikely to see him fight in any capacity, much less debut his Perfect Zetten in Black Clover chapter 346. If he ends up appearing on the battlefield in the upcoming issue, it will likely close the chapter out and create further suspense for next week’s release.

As for what else happens in Black Clover chapter 346, fans might see the Ryuzen Seven members who are present finalize who their initial opponents will be in this battle. However, with two more Ryuzen Seven members and Asta soon to arrive, these matchups will probably shift in future issues to have five Ryuzen Seven members fighting the five-headed dragon at all times.

Recap of Chapter 345

Asta's thoughts on Yuno (Image via Yuki Tabata/Shueisha)

In chapter 345, Asta was seen training with two of the remaining three Ryuzen. The self-proclaimed strongest of the seven, Yosuga Mushogatake continued to beat Asta down while Fujio Tenmanyashiki revived the boy and replenished his energy with his Yojutsu. Yosuga forced Asta to confront his trauma over his defeat at Lucius’ hands. The series' protagonist came to the realization that he had lost the faith he had in his sword and seemed to believe that Yuno would have done a better job had the wind-mage been in his position.

Over at the rooftop where the other five Ryuzen were facing Sister Lily and the Paladins, Ichika urged the hitherto unknown Ryuzen to show her might against the enemy. While she seemed timid and frightened at first, the seventh Ryuzen, Lady Ginnojomorifuyu Kezokaku, seemed to transform as soon as she drew her sword. She cut off Lily’s horn, which seemed to heal automatically and instantly, as the two prepared for their battle.

Follow along for more Black Clover manga and film news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.

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