Former Texas Motocross racer Josh Demuth unexpectedly passed away recently. The East Coast-based athlete retired in 2012 while running second in the Amsoil Arenacross Championship. The news of his death was made public by an unnamed friend. At the time of writing this article, the exact cause of death remains unclear. However, followers of the motor enthusiast have taken to social media to send their condolences to his family.
Gate Drop revealed that Josh Demuth’s close friend took to social media to announce the saddening death. The person wrote online:
"Please PLEASE PLEASE give his family some space right now, and PLEASE keep his Family, Kids & Friends in your THOUGHTS & PRAYERS. What a complete loss for everyone. One of the funnest, KINDEST guys you could ever meet. What an incredible Racer that brought millions of smiles to peoples faces... his talent, speed & smile won Fans over, worldwide. Sad day in the Motocross World… RIP, Champ…. You will forever be missed."Josh Demuth passed away on Thursday, April 6. He was popularly known as “The Sheriff” and had evidently garnered a massive following. Many took to the internet to express shock over the announcement.
The recent statement has left internet users stunned, and fans expressed their deep sadness and shock on Twitter. They began reminiscing about his greatest moments on the circuit, and tributes have been pouring in from all over the internet. A few read:
The motocross rider turned pro in the mid-1990s and consistently finished in the top ten in the supercross or outdoor motocross events he took part in. He eventually started off as an Ohio-based privateer but was quick to make a name for himself when he started racing arenacross.
Adding to his accolades, Josh Demuth is the eighth rider to bag the AMA National Arenacross title ever since the series began in 1986. He is also only the fourth rider in the history of the series to win back-to-back in the championships.
Demuth announced his retirement in 2012 after running second in points at the Amsoil Arenacross Championship. Speaking about his decision to do so, he said in the past:
"I just wasn’t having fun. I got to that point where I was in second place in the points, and it just wasn’t fun at all. I had the other things all lined up with a good job, and I did not know how long I wanted to go with the racing. So I just decided to retire and go into full-time [working]. It was just one of those things, I guess."Sadly, Demuth suffered an almost fatal crash while riding following his retirement. The accident resulted in the loss of one of his lower legs. It was revealed in the past that he had to undergo over twenty surgeries to recover from the accident. Despite dealing with the hardships, he remained in the industry by continuing to ride and work in dealerships.
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