What happened to Braydon Flagg? Olivet Nazarene University Basketball player passes away in car acci

Braydon Flagg of Olivet Nazarene University in Indiana tragically passed away in a car accident on Thursday. Flagg had just finished his sophomore season for the Tigers, averaging 7.8 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.4 assists per game in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics or NAIA.

According to a police report from La Porte County Sheriff's Department, the accident happened around 2:21 pm at CR 1000 East in the rural Willis Township area on CR 50 North. Authorities responded to a crash involving Flagg's black 2012 Toyota passenger vehicle.

The investigation found that Flagg was west-bound when he veered left and made his way into the east-bound lane. The car hit a tree before it stopped on CR 50 North. Medical personnel were able to remove the Tigers player from the vehicle and immediately transported him to a hospital.

However, Braydon Flagg was pronounced dead in the emergency room despite the efforts of hospital staff. Flagg was only 20 and was an incoming junior taking up a major in biology. He's survived by his parents Jason and Brandee and his sister Jayden.

Olivet Nazareth, University Director of Athletics, released the following statement on Flagg's tragic passing:

"We all feel immense sorrow, as we have lost such a great young man and ONU basketball player in Braydon. ONU Athletics will rally together in prayer for his family, teammates and coaches during this very difficult time. Braydon was an amazing young man, and he will be missed beyond words."

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Braydon Flagg's basketball career

Olivet Nazarene coach Nick Birkey and Braydon Flagg (Photo: Braydon Flagg/Twitter)

Before committing to Olivet Nazarene University, Braydon Flagg was a high school star for New Prairie in New Carlisle, Indiana. Flagg averaged 19.0 points, 4.8 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game in his senior season. He was a shooting guard but could also play small forward.

Flagg was a sharpshooter, making the 60th most 3-point shots in the United States during his senior year. Here's what he wrote on his recruiting profile before making the decision to play for ONU:

"Basketball is my passion, and it would be an amazing opportunity to get my education paid for while playing the sport I love. I love the constant activity and movement of basketball. I am a very competitive person, and I exhaust maximum energy each play, so I can maximize my team's opportunity of success."

Braydon Flagg barely played in his freshman year with the Tigers, but was an important part of the team off the bench last season. Flagg averaged 7.8 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.4 assists, shooting 66.1% from the field and 50.0% from beyond the arc.

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