What is the heaviest mule deer ever killed?


The record for the heaviest whitetail ever taken has been broken.

Carl Lenander Jr. killed a monster Minnesota deer with a single shot on a brisk November day in 1926, according to legend. The deer weighed 402 pounds after it had been field dressed. In accordance with state conservation regulations, its live weight was assessed to be 511 pounds.

In this regard, what is the record for the largest mule deer ever recorded?

The Broder Buck is a 361 6/8-inch non-typical Mule Deer that holds the world record. 

The final score was 355 2/8 inches. The following are the scoreable points: 22 1/8 Inches (Inside) Mass:

Also, what is the size of the world’s largest mule deer?

Bennett’s new world-record buck outscored the previous record non-typical mule deer (shot by Kenneth Plank in 1987) by 16-2/8 inches, breaking the previous mark by 16 inches.

Then, what is the record for the largest mule deer ever killed?

Max Johnson hunted the SCI #1 typical Rocky Mountain Mule Deer with a rifle in San Juan County, Utah, in October 1968, and brought home the trophy. Despite being a 5×5, this superb buck had primary beams that measured in excess of 27 and 29 inches in length, respectively. He had a tremendous inside spread of 36 4/8′′ and scored 228 5/8′′, which was a career high.

Where can I find the largest mule deer?

Colorado is a great place to go hunting. Colorado has the greatest mule deer population in the world, with over 400,000 animals, and so has to be regarded a top location for big mule deer hunting just because of the sheer amount of animals.

There were 36 related questions and answers found.

Which state has the greatest number of mule deer?


What is a reasonable size for a mule deer?

Mule deer, as a norm, have shorter brow tines than whitetail deer, which is a common misconception. A nice buck will typically (but not always) have brow tines that are 4 inches or more in length. The depth of the rear forks should be the next thing to look at. The G-2 will only accept them if they meet or surpass 12 inches in length.

What is the approximate cost of mule deer hunting?

Mule deer hunts typically start at about $2,000, and more hunts are available for less than $5,500 than for more than $5,500. There are certain mule deer hunting packages available on BookYourHunt.com that cost more than $10,000, but they are generally part of a package deal that includes hunts for elk, antelope, or other species.

What state offers the finest opportunities for mule deer hunting?

Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming are the top five mule deer-producing states in the Western United States in terms of prize quality. COLORADO. Colorado is without a doubt the state that produces the most trophy bucks. The states of Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona are represented. THE STATES OF COLORADO AND NEVADA

Do mule deer and whitetail deer have the ability to reproduce?

Whitetail bucks will mate with mule deer did, and the progeny will often have features that are similar to whitetails. Reverse mating, in which mule deer males mate with whitetail does, is less common. Consequently, if the two species share a shared range, the whitetail tends to be the dominant species.

Which state has the finest deer hunting opportunities?

Whitetail Deer Hunting in the Top 9 States Texas. With more than 1.6 million acres of public property accessible and 5.4 million whitetail deer dispersed throughout the state, Texas is one of the most desirable deer hunting destinations in North America, according to the National Deer Management Association. Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, and Missouri are all states in the Midwest.

What is the record for the largest elk ever recorded?

Denny Austad, a hunter from Alaska, holds the world record for the largest non-typical elk. Because of his prize bull’s web-like antlers, he was given the moniker “Spider-bull.” Austad chased the bull in Utah, where he paid $150,000 for the privilege of doing so. According to the Boone and Crockett scale, the bull received 478 5/8 points.

What is the location of the biggest elk in North America?

On the 23rd of September, 2015, an elk may be heard bugling in the forests of Rocky Mountain National Park. Denver, Colorado is home to the biggest elk herd in North America, with a population that has grown to more than 300,000 animals during the last several years.

In Colorado, where can you go mule deer hunting at its best?

The GMUs in Las Animas County and Pueblo County had the largest number of Boone and Crockett mule deer entries in the southeast area, according to the Bureau of Land Management. Generally speaking, those GMUs that are nearest to the Arkansas River have a greater chance of producing trophy whitetail bucks, and they also have superior public land access.

How many mule deer are there in the United States?

According to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the total mule and blacktail deer population in the United States was 4 million in 2015, and it is expected to reach 4.2 million in 2016 – 2018.

Are mule deer active at night?

Mule Deer are herbivores, and they are classified as browsers in certain areas. Their feeding habits are strictly nocturnal, and they may be seen most commonly in the early morning and late evening.

Are mule deer larger in stature than whitetail deer?

Racks on adult mule deer are higher and wider than those on whitetail deer when they are fully grown. The tines (points) are similarly bifurcated, forking in two directions as they develop and dividing again to produce new tines (points). Antler points of a white-tailed deer buck will all develop from a single main beam, which will be seen through the eyes.

Which state has the most number of deer inhabitants?

Pennsylvania (333,254), Wisconsin (316,774), and Georgia (33,254) round out the top five states (316,463). Texas is expected to have 4.3 million deer, while Michigan has around 1.75 million deer.
